Reality should not be the enemy of dreams
I once came across the listing of a 15 year old boy at a US adoption agency. The description stated that his "vocational goal is to be a rock star, but his backup plan is to be an astronaut."
I read it again. Slowly. I felt deeply pleased to hear those words. I recognized the language of big dreams. And the language of dreams is spoken by the rarest of men. In fact, the language of dreams is often spoken most fluently by the young. And we should listen to that voice as often as it is heard - for it is the voice that shapes the future.
Once upon a time almost all of us had big dreams. Fireman, pilot or astronaut - there was a time that you and I had every conviction that this dream would become reality one day. But as the years pass, things change. Surrounded by the examples of men who have given up before reaching their stars, we start to water down our dreams. Diminishing our goals. Miniaturizing our beliefs. We grow older and more cautious. We listen with close attention to the caring voices of those who had long since abandoned the ir own hopes. They who show themselves so helpful to protect us against disappointment and disillusionment by cautiously reminding us to rather pick more reasonable dreams. Achievable ones. Sensible dreams that will more properly fit into the moulds of mediocrity. "Your dreams are false," they argue. "They are not real," they whisper.
Those are the voices we hear the most. And in time, those are the voices we end up believing. I hope this boy will always dream and never learn to think small. Because dreams are the reflection of reality to those who have the faith to believe in them.