Quotes From Different Sources:
Boer War, as well as War in General

"Der Krieg ist nichts als eine Fortsetzung des politischen Verkehrs mit Einmischung anderer Mittel."
-- War is nothing but the continuation of politics by other means. General Karl von Klausewitz.  "Von Kriege," 1832-34.

War and the Media: "The printing press is the greatest weapons in the armoury of the modern commander." TE Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia") As quoted in The Great Boer War., Farwell, F., Allen Lane., London., 1977., p. 350.

Erasmus on War: "War is sweet to those who do not fight."Desiderius Erasmus (c. 1466-1536): Adagia (1500)

The Dead Braves: "How sleep the brave, who sinks to rest By all their country's wishes blest!" From William Collins' poem: "How Sleep the Brave."

Cecil John Rhodes on Expansion and Imperialism:
"I tell you, I believe with Ruskin that all healthy men love to fight and the sensation of danger; all courageous women love to hear of such fight and how to brave this danger. And I agree with Ruskin that we Britishers have lost within the last ten years our spurs as a knightly nation; where we should not have fought, we fought purely for the sake of profit; where we should not have been disinterested we have looked on because we were frightened... And I believed what Ruskin said - that we have to expect the highest destiny that was ever granted to a nation. A road of glory is opened to us as it has never been offered to a beggarly crowd of mortals... I have read the history of other countries and I see that expansion, that imperialism, is everything. The world�s surface is limited, therefore the great object should be to take as much of it as we can...�" As quoted in Rhodes of Africa, Gross, F., Cassel & Company Ltd., London., 1956, p. 60

Methods of Barbarism::"When is a War not a War? When it is carried on by methods of Barbarism in South Africa." Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, Leader of the Liberal Opposition Party in Britain: at a meeting of the National Reform Union, June, 14. 1901

War and Destruction: "Transvaal, Transvaal, my country, you are all in flames!" -- The title of a popular contemporary Russian folk song which is still sung all over Russia.

Kruger on his enemies: "Only four people I fear: God, the Devil, de la Rey for his enormous strength and his quick tongue and - daardie verdomde Engelsman Rhodes!" president Paul Kruger. As quoted in Rhodes of Africa, Gross, F., Cassel & Company Ltd., London., 1956, p. 104

Kruger on the curse of gold: "Do not talk to me of gold, the element which brings more dissension, misfortune and unexpected plagues in its trail than benefits. Pray to God, as I am doing, that the curse connected with its coming may not overshadow our dear land just after it has come again to us and our children; pray and implore Him who has stood by us, that He will continue to do so, for I tell you today that every ounce of gold taken from the bowels of our soil will yet have to be weighed up with rivers of tears, with the life-blood of thousands of our best people in the defence of that same soil from the lust of others yearning for it solely because it has the yellow metal in abundance. . . ." As quoted in Rhodes of Africa, Gross, F., Cassel & Company Ltd., London., 1956, p. 134

Kruger to Dr. Leyds, state attorney, on war with Britain: "Young man, you don't know the English. I do. You should argue with them-dispute with them-negotiate with them -- but don't fight with them." As quoted in Rhodes of Africa, Gross, F., Cassel & Company Ltd., London., 1956, pp. 379-380

War with the Boers: The Republics are determined, if they must belong to England that a price will have to be paid which will stagger humanity." SJP Kruger. As quoted in Rhodes of Africa, Gross, F., Cassel & Company Ltd., London., 1956,pp. 379-380

Hang old Kruger: "We'll hang old Kruger on a sour-apple tree..." -- Words of a popular song which was sung by Jingoes to the tune of "John Brown's Body" before- and during the early stages of the war.

Chamberlain on the Boer War: "My own opinion is, as it has always been, that both Milner and the military authorities greatly exaggerate the risks of this campaign." Joseph Chamberlain to Sir Michael Hicks Beach, Chancellor of the Exchequer, 7 Oct. 1899. As quoted in The Boer War., Pakenham, T.,Abacus., London., 1995., p. 84

Olive Shreiner on the war against women and children: "That the bulk of  the people in England could sit silent and unmoved while private houses were burnt down and women and young children turned homeless into the wilds, in order that through wounding the affections  and sympathies of the men their army might be paralyzed for further warfare... had one told me that these things could be, and the bulk of the English nation sit by silent and unmoved, I would have regarded him as one who dreams in a fever." As quoted in Mounted Infantry at War., St. Leger, S., Galago., Alberton., 1986., p. 228.

Napoleon on the media: "Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets." Napoleon Bonaparte.

Farm Burning: "The policy of burning down farmhouses and destroying crops as a measure of intimidation had nothing to recommend it and no other measure aroused such deep and lasting resentment. The Dutch race is not one that can be easily beguiled by threats, and farm-burning as a policy of intimidation totally failed, as anyone acquainted with the Dutch race and the Dutch history could have foreseen. Applying this system against a white race defending their homes with a bravery and resource which has rightly won the admiration of the World was the least happy of Lord Roberts' inspirations and must plainly be set down as a serious error of judgment..." The Times History of the War., as quoted in Commando, A Boer Journal of the Boer War., Reitz, D., Southern Book Publishers., London., Halfway House., 1992., p. 149

Veg tot Dood of Vryheid

"Ek koester geen haat teen Engeland nie; ek haat niemand nie; enigeen is welkom in ons land; of hy Fransman, of Duitser, of Amerikaner, of Engelsman is, ek is altyd gereed om hom die hand van vriendskap toe te reik. Maar laat die hele w�reld kom en trag om my te vertrap en sy voet op my nek te sit, en probeer om die vryheid van land en volk te ontneem, dan � dan, met �n lyfwag van twintig burgers sal ek veg, ja, teen die hele w�reld veg, tot ek vry of dood is." � Kommandant-general Piet Joubert in antwoord op �n vraag in �n Chicago koerant., Vername Persone uit die Geskiedenis van HOL.-Suid-A., Eric Stockenstr�m., Deel I., Pro Ecclesia., Stellenbosch., 1923., p. 198

Until Death or Freedom

"I bear no hatred against England; I hate no one; everyone is welcome in our country, whether he be a Frenchman, or German, or American or Englishman, I am always ready to hand him the hand of friendship. But let the entire world come and try to tread on me and try to put its foot on my neck, and try to take away the freedom of my country and my nation � then, with a guard of twenty burghers, I shall fight, yes, against the whole world, until I am either free of dead." � Commandant-general Piet Joubert in reply to a question in a Chicago newspaper., Vername Persone uit die Geskiedenis van HOL.-Suid-A., Eric Stockenstr�m., Deel I., Pro Ecclesia., Stellenbosch., 1923., p. 198

"The Kaffirs will tear you apart!"

Sir Theophilus Shepstone shouting with an angry voice at general Piet Joubert: "Julle kan die Kaffers nie regeer nie, hulle sal julle verskeur!" � "You can�t govern the Kaffirs, they will tear you apart!"

Joubert walking out the room without greeting Shepstone, replies: "The Kaffirs shall tear us apart, but they shall only do this with English teeth!"

A week later sir Theophilus Shepstone annexed the South African Republic in the name of Great Britain.

Vername Persone uit die Geskiedenis van HOL.-Suid-A., Eric Stockenstr�m., Deel I., Pro Ecclesia., Stellenbosch., 1923., p. 198

Under British flag what your heart desires

"Onder die Engelse vlag kan julle alles kry wat julle begeer, maar die vlag sal vergoed oor die land waai." � "Under the British flag you can have all that you hearts desire, but the flag shall fly over the land forever."

� Sir Bartle Frere, British Governor to the Cape, speaking to the Boer deputation in June 1878.

"Die vlag sal miskien wel oor die land wapper, maar nooit oor die volk nie." � "The flag might very well fly over the country, but never over the nation."

� Piet Joubert in reply. Vername Persone uit die Geskiedenis van HOL.-Suid-A., Eric Stockenstr�m., Deel I., Pro Ecclesia., Stellenbosch., 1923., p. 199

Thank God England is not almighty

"Ek het nou in Engeland gewees, en met my o� die mag van die groot Engelse volk aanskou. En laat my toe om julle te verseker dat Engeland �n ontsettende sterk moondheid is, myns insiens die sterkste nasie in die w�reld; maar, Goddank, dit is nie almagtig nie." � I have now been to England and have seen with my own eyes the great English nation. And let me assure you that England is an enormously powerful power, in my opinion the most powerful nation in the world; but thank God, she is not almighty." � General Piet Joubert after the visit of the Second Boer Deputation to England., Vername Persone uit die Geskiedenis van HOL.-Suid-A., Eric Stockenstr�m., Deel I., Pro Ecclesia., Stellenbosch., 1923., p. 200

Rather fight than submit

"Liewer veg tot die dood toe dan ons aan Engeland te wonderwerp." � "Rather fight until death than submit ourselves to England." � Cry of the burghers when the Second Boer Deputation reported back about the failure of negotiations in England, during an address at Wonderfontein near Potschefstroom in Januarie 1879. Vername Persone uit die Geskiedenis van HOL.-Suid-A., Eric Stockenstr�m., Deel I., Pro Ecclesia., Stellenbosch., 1923., p. 200

The nation wants its independence

"Die volk wil sy onafhanklikheid terugh�." � "The nation wants its independence back." � Piet Joubert to sir Bartle Frere in Pietermaritzburg in 1879., Vername Persone uit die Geskiedenis van HOL.-Suid-A., Eric Stockenstr�m., Deel I., Pro Ecclesia., Stellenbosch., 1923., p. 200

Rather crushed than give up freedom

"Die goewerneur wil h� julle moet vir julle onderwerp. Julle kan alles kry wat julle begeer, maar onder die Britse vlag; en ek kan julle, met die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika voor o�, nie aanraai nie. Ons kan osn teen Engeland nie verset nie, maar ek betrou op die God der Heirskare, en al is Engeland so sterk dat hy my tot stof kan vergruis, dan sou ek, met Gods hul, liewer vergruis word dan my vryheid opgee." � "The governor wants you to submit yourselves. You can have all your hearts desire, but under the British flag; and with the history of South Africa before me, I cannot advise you. We cannot resist against England, but I place my faith in the God of Hosts, and though England may be so powerful that she could crush me to dust, I shall with God�s help, rather be crushed than surrender my freedom." � Piet Joubert addressing the nation near Kleinfontein, Pretoria, following his meeting with sir Bartle Frere in 1879., Vername Persone uit die Geskiedenis van HOL.-Suid-A., Eric Stockenstr�m., Deel I., Pro Ecclesia., Stellenbosch., 1923., p. 200-201

Freedom is a precious thing

"Vryheid is �n dierbare kleinood; julle weet wat ons reeds daarvoor opgeoffer het, en die geskiedenis leer osn wat ons daarvoor kan opoffer. Engeland het ons dit ontneem, en ons eis dit terug. Raadpleeg jul God, maar onthou dit ook dat die Here wraak sal neem op diegene wat op roekelose wyse hul land en volk ten onder bring." � "Vreedom is a precious thing; you know what we have already sacrificed for it, and history teaches us what we can surrender for it. England has taken it away from us, and we demand it back. Consult your God, but remember also that the Lord shall avenge Himself on those who bring their country and their nation to the ground." � Piet Jouber at Paardekraal on 16 December 1879., Vername Persone uit die Geskiedenis van HOL.-Suid-A., Eric Stockenstr�m., Deel I., Pro Ecclesia., Stellenbosch., 1923., p. 199

Fighting for honour, fighting for a right

General Wood to commandant-general Joubert before the battle of Amajuba: "Kyk, generaal Joubert, ek het nie minder dan elf medaljes, en as ek die Boere van majuba gaan afhaal, dan het ek my twaalfde."

� "Look, general Joubert, I have no less than eleven medals, and if I have to go and clear the Boers from Majuba, then I shall have my twelfth."

Joubert in reply: "Ek het g�n een nie, maar as jy dit waag om die Boere daar te gaan aanval, dan het ek my eerte. Ja, generaal Wood, daar is juis die onderskeid tussen u en ons: julle veg vir die eer, osn veg vir ons reg."

"I have not one, but if you should dare to attack the Boers there, then I shall I have my first. Yes, general Wood, this is where the distinction between you and I can be found: you fight for honour, we fight for our right."� Vername Persone uit die Geskiedenis van HOL.-Suid-A., Eric Stockenstr�m., Deel I., Pro Ecclesia., Stellenbosch., 1923., p. 201

Veg tot Dood of Vryheid

"Ek koester geen haat teen Engeland nie; ek haat niemand nie; enigeen is welkom in ons land; of hy Fransman, of Duitser, of Amerikaner, of Engelsman is, ek is altyd gereed om hom die hand van vriendskap toe te reik. Maar laat die hele w�reld kom en trag om my te vertrap en sy voet op my nek te sit, en probeer om die vryheid van land en volk te ontneem, dan � dan, met �n lyfwag van twintig burgers sal ek veg, ja, teen die hele w�reld veg, tot ek vry of dood is." � Kommandant-general Piet Joubert in antwoord op �n vraag in �n Chicago koerant., Vername Persone uit die Geskiedenis van HOL.-Suid-A., Eric Stockenstr�m., Deel I., Pro Ecclesia., Stellenbosch., 1923., p. 198

Until Death of Freedom

"I bear no hatred against England; I hate no one; everyone is welcome in our country, whether he be a Frenchman, or German, or American or Englishman, I am always ready to hand him the hand of friendship. But let all the world come and try to trample me down and put its foot on my neck, and try to crush my country, and then with twenty men about me I will fight, yes fight the world entire, fight till I am free or dead." � Commandant-general Piet Joubert in reply to a question in a Chicago newspaper in 1893., Vername Persone uit die Geskiedenis van HOL.-Suid-A., Eric Stockenstr�m., Deel I., Pro Ecclesia., Stellenbosch., 1923., p. 198, 208-209

Poor country, poor nation

"My arm volk, my arm land." � "My poor nation, my poor country."

� Last words of commandant-general Piet Joubert. � Vername Persone uit die Geskiedenis van HOL.-Suid-A., Eric Stockenstr�m., Deel I., Pro Ecclesia., Stellenbosch., 1923., p. 209

No flinching from Imperialist responsibilities

"We are all Imperialists now; we realise, but do not flinch from, the responsibilities and the obligations which Imperialism brings." � Joseph Chamberlain to an audience in Birmingham before the Second Anglo-Boer War., THE BOER WAR., Edgar Holt., Putnam., London., 1958., p. 77

Primarily a geological war

"For it is not unfair to say that the second and greater Boer War was primarily a geological war. If the Rand had not been discovered there woud lhave been no Uitlanders, and without their exacerbating presence the other Anglo-Boer problems could surely have been resolved without bloodshed." THE BOER WAR., Edgar Holt., Putnam., London., 1958., p. 39

Kruger Never took a bribe

"There was not evidence of President Kruger ever taking bribes." � Arthur G Barlow., � Almost in Confidence., Juta & Co., Cape Town., 1952., p. 39

And Honourable and Brave Adversary

"In London there were a number of stupid people who did not know what they were talking about. They called the Boers uncivilized, barbarians and cowards. They talked as if the march to Pretoria would be just a breakfast for the British army � the stupids. I know... I fought against the Boers in 1880 and was badly wounded at Majuba. I know the Boer as an honourable and brave adversary. I can tell you that in the beginning we shall suffer a number of reverses, as we are quite unprepared for war. But in the long run your people will be heavily defeated. England cannot afford to lose this war." � Colonel Ian Hamilton, Chief of Staff to Sir George White, to Jonkheer Dr C.G.S. Sandberg, Secretary to the State Secretary Frank Reitz of the Transvaal, just before the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer War in 1899 �Arthur G Barlow., Almost in Confidence., Juta & Co., Cape Town., 1952., p. 66

Quarrelsome in Politics

"Politically speaking I think that the Afrikaner people are among the most quarrelsome in the world." � Arthur G Barlow., � Almost in Confidence., Juta & Co., Cape Town., 1952., p. 312

Neem Uit Die Verlede

President Paul Kruger: "Want wie sich een toekomst scheppen wil, mag het verledene niet uit het oog verliezen.

Daarom: zoekt in het verledene al het goede en schoone dat daarin te ontdekken valt, vormt daarna Uw ideaal en beproef voor de toekomst dat ideaa te verwesentlijken." KRUGER SE REGTERHAND - �n biografie van dr. W.J. Leyds. L.E. van Niekerk., J.L. Van Schaik (Edms) Bpk., Pretoria., 1985., p.327

In sy "Politieke Testament" het hy dit as volg gestel: "Daarom: zoekt in het verledene al het goede en schoone, dat daarin te ontdekken valt, vormt daarna Uw ideaal en beproeft voor de toekomst dat ideaal te verwezenlijken. Het is waar: veel van wat was opgebouwd is thans vernietigd, vernield, gevallen. Doch met eenheid van zijn en eenheid van krachten kan weer worden opgericht, wat thans daarneder ligt.

Leyds oor kommunisme: "De moraliteit der lagere standen staat niet op een hooger peil dan die der �intellectueelen� en de heerschappij van dien lageren stand verlaagt dat peil." THE CORNER HOUSE. The Early History of Johannesburg., A.P. Cartwright., Purnell & Sons (S.A.) (Pty) Ltd., Cape Town & Johannesburg., 1965 p.354

Vir Suid-Afrika het die Bolsjewisme volgens Leyds ook �n bedreiging ingehou. Hy het verklaar: "De wereld-overwinning van de bolsjewiki beteekent in mijn oog de ondergang van het Boeren-element in Zuid-Afrika en daarom moeten zij er zich voor hoeden daaraan hun medewerking te verleenen." THE CORNER HOUSE. The Early History of Johannesburg., A.P. Cartwright., Purnell & Sons (S.A.) (Pty) Ltd., Cape Town & Johannesburg., 1965., p.354

Iere Aangaande die Engelse

"Een van die lede van die [Hindon] korps, �n Ier, wat vroe�r offisier was van die Ierse Brigade, op �n dag deur Hindon gevraag, waarom hij nou eigelik teen die Engelse veg, en die hartstogtelike antwoord was:

�Omdat ik die nasie verfoei met mijn hele hart en wese, wegenshul tirannie oor Ierland en hul weergalose skijheiligheid in die wereld; en omdat ik hul verag vir die onreg en bedrog wat hul hier nou weer uithaal teen twee kleine vrije staatjes.�

Aan Carl Cremer werd dieselde vraag gedaan, en sijn antwoord was weer:

�Nee, ik kan nie s� dat ik die Engelse haat nie; maar ik veg uit simpathie en liefde vir die Boere-nasie in hul regv�rdige saak. Ik veg vir �n klein maar simpathieke nasie, teen hul magtige oorweldiger.�" Kaptein Hindon: Oorlogsavonture van �n baas verkenner. bl. 158-159

British Rule Over Dutch

"...If the Dutch settlers set themselves in the way of development of South Africa after our British fashion, they will have to go to the wall. The principle of the survival of the fittest has decided that in the end it is the British, of the Dutch, element that must be supreme in the Cape as elsewhere."

Advice to CJ Rhodes from a British newspaper writer in the August issue of The Nineteenth Century, quoted in Rhodes of Africa., Felix Gross., Cassell & Co., 1956., p. 205

Joubert on British Hold On Property

"...Now, you must have heard that the English... took away our country, the Transvaal, or as they say, annexed it. We then talked nicely for four years and begged for our country. But no; when an Englishman once has your property in his hand, then he is like a monkey that has its hands full of pumpkin seeds � if you don�t beat him to death, he will never let go..."

Commandant-general Piet Joubert in a letter to Lobengula. Rhodes of Africa., Felix Gross., Cassell & Co., 1956., p. 140